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OCR: Macintosh Internal Hard Disk 20SC System Reguireuents To use : Macintosh Internal ] lam Disk ZOSC ou mus have Macintosh SE Macintosh 5E/30. Macintos shtt Macintosh IL) persona computer Techatcal Spccifications Capacity Dala AOF 20 megabytes (lonnatied) Data surfaces: Heads: Surface: B3lock size: 512 by-ter Toral disk blocks: 41.06() Blocks/Track: Characteristics Average seek tine: 68 millise econds Rotatio nal speed: 3,600 rpm Sarup lime: 20 sexxnls Spin- seconds Interfaoc Conncets directly to the Mat:intosh Macintosh $H/30 Macintosh II. CH Hacintosh IIX LA the SCSI 5(-pin connector. ..r.... Electrical Line volage: 85 270 volts AC reuirements Frequeny 1 6 hert?. Maximum porer: 60 watts Environmental Operating tetneralure: lob0I O1 nOS F (10) to 40) requirements Storage temperanure: 120 12 ...